
Player Profiles® has several pricing options to suit the needs of your company or organization. Please select from the following options:

Pay-Per-Player Register Now!
With our new Pay-Per-Player system you only pay for the information you need. The Pay-Per-Player system is perfect for Radio Stations, Scouts, Agents, or the hard-core baseball fan. You credit your account whatever dollar amount you prefer*, and have instant access to whatever players you want at $5.00 for Major League players and $2.00 for Minor League players*. When you view a player, your account is automatically debited. You can then go back and view that player whenever you want for the next 5 days at no additional cost. Register Now and recieve access to our exclusive information instantly!
Price:  $5.00 per Major League player for 5 days.
$2.00 per Minor League player for 5 days.

Full Access
Save with a yearly or monthly subscription! To purchase a monthly or yearly subscription for full access to all of our information, please give us a call at (321) 779-2928 or click here to contact us via email.

*Prices subject to change without prior notice. Minimum credit for initial registration is currently $5.00. Minimum amount for future credit transactions once registered is currently $5.00.

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